Reaching out to students

This year, our initiative strengthened its collaboration with educational institutions in Catalonia and Morocco (Rabat, Abulcasis University) to continue with the SAFE (Superbug Awareness for Education) project. University and high school students created resources to raise awareness of antimicrobial resistance among the general public. Those who designed the best resources took part in a hands-on course to detect drug-resistant bacteria in environmental samples. We also ran an online course on antimicrobial resistance with students from the École Supérieure de l’Éducation et de la Formation (Kenitra, Morocco). Many of the SAFE resources have been translated into French and Arabic.

Also in Morocco and in collaboration with the University Mohammed V in Casablanca, we launched the ENDÈMIC project, which will use a participatory science approach to explore the use of medicinal plants across society and their potential antiseptic activity.

Strengthening capacities of health workers

Another project launched in 2023 is AMR-EDUCare, which aims to combat antimicrobial resistance through training of healthcare workers in South European countries. The Patient Empowerment Work Package, which we coordinate, has reviewed actions taken by different countries to improve training, waste management protocols, and optimal prescribing of antimicrobials. We conducted diagnostic workshops with health professionals and citizens in Catalonia to identify knowledge and communication gaps and are currently developing modules for an online course aimed at pharmacists, nurses and doctors. We have expanded our network to 150 new healthcare professionals across Catalonia, who are willing to participate in further initiatives to advocate for improved antibiotic prescribing and adherence.

Raising awareness

Throughout 2023 we participated in several awareness-raising activities, such as the World Antimicrobial Resistance Awareness Week (November 2023), sponsored by Shionogi SL, and conducted both in Hospital Clinic and on public transport in the Barcelona metropolitan area. We published several posts on the ISGlobal blog, and developed a series of videos and infographics targeting non-specialist public online and offline.

In total, we directly reached 3170 citizens in Catalonia (Lleida, Girona and Barcelona) and Morocco (Rabat and Casablanca) in 2023, in addition to those reached through social media.