This year, we kept with our commitment to education, with new training opportunities for students from various countries.
New courses

In spring 2023, we launched the first edition of the fully online course “Travel Medicine and Health in Mobile Populations”. The first group of trainees included 17 physicians from seven countries. We also co-organised the first edition of the tropEd Summer School (28 August – 1 September 2023) along with colleagues from other universities of the network. Around 350 students registered for the online courses, which included a module on implementation science.

Connecting with more students around the world

In 2023, we closed the cycle of Severo Ochoa International Global Health Spring / Summer Schools. In March, we welcomed nearly 1,000 students from 98 countries to the Spring School, which this year offered modules in English and Spanish thanks to the support of the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Union. The 2023 Summer School (4-8 September 2023) had more than 900 registered students, 78% of whom were from LMICs.

Strengthening capacities

In 2023, we launched a new online course on science writing for mid-career researchers as part of the PAMAfrica consortium. In addition, we helped to develop three online courses in the context of the ECO project that aims to strengthen health systems in Bolivia and Paraguay.